Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Vedic Astrology Prediction / Rashi Prediction-2013 / Rashifal-2013

Vedic Astrology Prediction / Rashi  Prediction-2013 / Rashifal-2013

Major Transits of Planets in 2013 as per Vedic Astrology

1.     Jupiter Transit to Mithuna Rashi from Vrishabha Rashi on May 30th 2013 & gets retrograde on 8th November 2013 & will remain in Mithuna Rashi till June 18th 2014.

2.    Saturn will stay in Tula Rashi for entire year of 2013, but gets Retrograded on 18th February 2013 till July 8th 2013.

3.    Rahu  transit to Tula Rashi & Ketu transit to Mesha Rashi from Dec 23rd 2012 to July 12th 2014.

People born under following rashi’s will find very good year (2013)

Vrishabha Rashi, Simha Rashi, Dhanur  Rashi, Kumbha  Rashi

Mesha Rashi (Aries sign)

Rahu will cause allegations against you & you tend to take wrong decisions, so be careful. There will be clashes, arguments in the family. Be careful while dealing with opposite sex.  Extramarital affairs might create problems in family.

A trouble with spouse is indicated. Be careful in partnership in Business. Your Business Partner may cheat/fraud/Betrayal you,  Your Family Members expects you to spend more time with them. Some important decisions will affect your relations and happiness. Do not be egoistic in mutual relations and share the responsibility.

If you are looking for marriage, be careful regarding upcoming proposals, there are chances that you might get cheated, Hence be careful while selecting your life partner. Also people looking for new business partner, need to be catious since new business partner may cheat you.

Ketu transiting in your Lagna, will cause health problems, You will suffer from stomach problems, Backache, your mind will be restlessness, unable to take decision, there will be slow-down in your thinking & action.

After May 2013, Jupiter will cause problems from various angles, separation from family and friends are indicated.  You should take utmost care on your personal health. Chronic patients should take extra care. Change of residence is indicated.

Physical stress will be more. Relations with your family members are at threat. Try to maintain cordial relations and do not give scope to any one and put forth efforts to patch it up.

On financial front, you will maintain normal finance and you will be able to manage financial affairs. Some of the natives on career front may likely to go on transfer with power of authority.

There might be some temporary transfer or separation of family as a result of domestic differences or for the sake of job or profession at a faraway place or a foreign country.

Saturn transiting in Tula Rashi will cause problems in finance & increase of expense is indicated.

Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus Sign)

Rahu transist will be a period of prosperity and happiness.

There are going to be financial relief, improvement in family relations, improved social interactions, betterment in business and career activities and almost all walks of life.

It gives you courage & mental strength. You will gain confidence & your social circle will expand. Rahu  will provide excellent opportunities but it also gives uncertainties. Though there are sufficient chances for money inflow.

You will have gains from foreign travel.

Ketu will drive towards spirituality and religion, You will undergo pilgrimage tour this year. A very important desire will get fulfilled this year.

After May 2013, Jupiter will strengthen your financial position. Sky is the limit for your social honor and you will witness enhanced social status. You will witness cordial relations at domestic front. You may get finances from different angles. Your level of self confidence will increase.

Your activities will draw the attention of your employer or boss and as a result you will have some elevation in your official status. On career front, you will overcome all your problems.

Over all finance will be very comfortable.

Saturn will help you to fulfill your desire like marriage or child birth in your family.

A very good chance of foreign travel is indicated.

Your employees/servants or your relative may cheat/fraud/Betrayal you. Hence be careful.

Mithuna Rashi (Gemini sign)

Rahu will cause problems in job, you might find difficulty in doing the Job. You will face disappointments; There can be gains and money flow midst of small financial problems.

There will be separation from family members, you are forced to take foreign travel or domestic travel away from your spouse and children. Misunderstanding & arguments in family is indicated.

Your children career/Job or studies will be headache to you. You will be stressed regarding this.

Your children’s Job ups & downs will worry you. Somehow you will not be happy regarding children.

Your children may cheat/fraud/Betrayal you. Hence be careful.

After may 2013, Jupiter transit will affect your finance, Pending Bank loans will worry you.

 Proper financial planning is very much necessary. . Do not stand surety to any one, otherwise you will land in problems.

Distances yourselves from disputed areas as you are likely to be dragged into legal problems.

Exercise more care on your personal health and any small ailment should not be neglected and proper medical care to be taken.

Control your wasteful expenditure.

Karka Rashi (Cancer sign)

Rahu will cause separation from family members especially from your mother.

You are forced to take foreign travel or domestic travel away from your family, which will cause mental worry. Your job will be at stake if you don’t travel, you will be compelled to travel.

Your enemies at work/job will try to tarnish your name, image & reputation.

Your caretaker may cheat/fraud/Betrayal you. Hence be careful. Difference of opinion with parents or  elders in the family.

There are chances of skin related problems might worry you.

There will be lot of difficulties in achieving results.

Saturn is will cause financial problems, Liabilities will be more than income. Repayment of bank loans will trouble you a lot.

You will have a tough time with your superiors/boss and co-workers.

You will become accountable for the mistakes done by others.

After May 2013, Jupiter will cause financial loss, heavy expenditure than income, disputes over property, wearisome journeys are on cards.

Pressures for repayment of loans taken earlier will make you worry.

Proper financial planning is the need of the hour.

You may likely to take wrong decisions that results heavy financial loss.

Exercise more care on your personal health as majority of your expenditure will be on the medical grounds. Expenditure overrides your income.

Don’t go for big investment because things may not turn up according to your expectations.

Legal matters may be a cause of worry to you.

Take care of the health of your mother.

You will take Pilgrimage tour along with your family members.

There will be problems in family affairs, hence maintain good relation with family members.

There will be health problems to you or your family members which might concern you.

Simha Rashi (Leo sign)

You will have very good time this year, You will have good money inflows, increase of income is indicated.

You will be able to suppress/ overcome your enemies.

You will acquire all comforts in life,

Inflow of income from various sources are on cards,

Gain through friends are indicated. Positive indications are more compared to the negative ones. You can expect a new position and honor.

Sky is the limit for your social honor.

Natives aspiring for marriage will get good matches and all round prosperity is on the cards.

This is a very good time coming after a period of difficulties and hardships and at last you can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work you had been doing for a long time.

You will be very confident with your thoughts and chance of getting promotion is very strong. There is certain amount of wish fulfillment in your life.

A good chance of marriage or child birth in family is indicated.

Foreign Travel/Journey  is indicated, Legal /court cases will be solved in your favor.

Your Brothers or sisters, close friends or co-workers may cheat/fraud/Betrayal you. Hence be careful
Overall, very good year for Simha (Leo)Rashi.

Kanya  Rashi (Virgo sign)

Rahu will cause you will travel abroad /Foreign Travel hence there will be temporary separation from family members.

There are chances of physical injuries or Accident, you will suffer from chest & stomach problems.

There are chances of fire accident at home or work place, hence be careful.

Be careful with personal belongings, money & property, since there are chances of theft or natural disaster.

Your family members or relative may cheat/fraud/Betrayal you. Hence be careful

Saturn will cause financial problems; you will find expenditure greater than income. Proper financial planning and controlling of wasteful expenditure is needed.

After May 2013, Jupiter will cause problems in your work or profession.

Your employer or boss will not be happy with your work, Your boss will always try to find mistakes or errors committed by you.

 Your small errors or short-comings will be looked into with a magnifying glass by your boss or superiors.

You may not likely to get cooperation from your colleagues or co-workers.

You will think of quitting the Job. But don’t quit your job at any cost.

Tula  Rashi (Libra Sign )

Health problems is indicated, You will travel abroad, difference with family members are indicated.

Extramarital affairs might create problems in family.

There will be mental unrest or you will be worried mentally too much.

Legal matters may be a cause of worry to you.
Saturn will give health problems to you or your family members, Relations with colleagues and superiors will strain.

Saturn not allow you to handle your affairs - in particular your finances and relationships.

 If you are suffering from any health problem, do not neglect and take proper medical care else you may likely to land into trouble.

After May 2013, you will receive appreciation that you had been longing for after doing your work.

This period is also giving you financial benefits.  Some increments, appraisals or some kind of a promotion are among something that is going to keep you cool and happy in your work place.

You will get good relief in all aspects and all wishes will be fulfilled. As Jupiter is in bhagyastan improved financial gain is indicated. Some of the natives will show interest on devotional activities.

Health of elders in the family will be a matter of some concern for some people.  You own health may also be affected to some extent.
Vrischika  Rashi (Scorpio sign )

Loss in Business or Job is indicated, there will be mental unrest.

Separation from family is indicated, you are forced to go abroad.

Negative trends are more than the positive ones. If you are suffering from any health problem, do not neglect and take proper medical care else you may likely to land into trouble.

Financial stress will be more.  It will be rather difficult to meet the expenses.  Somehow, you will manage your finances.

Saturn will cause financial problems, Expenditure is more than Income. Unexpected Expense will crop up & it will be difficult for you manage.

You may get cheated/fraud/betrayed by your private relationship partner or by a person in foreign country. or a person working in hospital etc. Be careful regarding secret relationships.

Exercise utmost care in matter of finance. Some of the natives may likely to borrow funds to meet emergencies. Do not use harsh words.

Loss of money is indicated, especially in the field of stock market or gambling, hence be careful.

 Dhanur  Rashi (Sagittarius Sign )

Financial benefits are on the cards, You will have regular Income.

You will get good chances of Foreign Travel, you get earn good money from abroad travel.

You will have chance of falling in love or entering into relationship. But be careful regarding opposite sex.

You will enjoy sensual pleasures, good food, luxuries and vehicular comfort etc.

People who are looking to get married, will get good life partner this year. & people who are expecting child, their wishes will be fulfilled.

People in business will find good business partner & business will succeed.

Your friends or business partners may cheat/fraud/Betrayal you. Hence be careful
A very good year for Dhanur rashi  people.

 Makara  Rashi (Capricorn Sign )

A good year for career, but lot of stress and pressure is associated with the job or profession. A good chance to go abroad or foreign travel for work is indicated.

A family gathering will bring happiness to you.

On financial front, you will witness that you will be tight and will not allow you to meet the increasing expenditure on various angles. Proper financial planning is the need of the hour. It may result you to go for borrowings to meet the demand.

On health front, you have to be more careful and do not neglect even a minor ailment. Some of you may likely to be involved into legal disputes. Your enemies will try to create obstacles.

Difference of opinion with family members is indicated.

Your Boss or superiors or government agency may cheat/fraud/Betrayal you. Hence be careful

Money flow will become difficult.  You are going to find a difficult financial situation.

Do not give scope for any misunderstandings with your family members. If such a situation arises, try to patch them up.

There will be physical ailments and medical expenses.

There will be increased workload in your work place.  Any increment or appraisal that is due during this period may get postponed or may not be upto the expected level.

Some will have difference of opinions with colleagues and superiors.

Some will have a change of location or change in responsibilities.

Kumbha  Rashi (Aquarius )

Rahu  will gives extra energy, enthusiasm and ambition.  Abroad  travel  for higher education or Job/Work in Foreign Country  is Indicated.

There will be good flow of money, You will go abroad & earn good money.  But  till end of May 2013, you will find that you are unable to save money, Expense/Commitments will be more, Also be cautious while investing money.

But after May 2013, you can save good amount of money.

You will enjoy all comforts in life, you will come in contact with people, who will help you.

You will have excellent social relation with others.

New business deals will work out and you will diversify your business activity. New investments opportunities and profitable ventures are there. New contacts will be added in your business.

Ketu will cause ups and downs in married life, Health of spouse will be concern.

Visit to Pilgrimage Center is indicated.

After May 2013, Jupiter will result more positive trends. You will enjoy all round happiness.

Purchase of a house/Apartment/Property or a vehicle is in store. Some of the natives may purchase golden ornaments. Jupiter will give an opportunity to you to increase your income. Make use of the opportunity. Success is assured in love, romance and attachments.

You will have financial gains.  Respect and reputation in your work place will grow. 

Your performance in your work will attract many an eye and this will reward you in a fitting manner.

People in business or in their  own profession, will have a remarkable turn over and will find satisfactory profit levels.

There will be growth in almost all spheres of life

A very good year for Kumbha Rashi natives.

 Meena  Rashi (Pisces )

It is not a good time for career, there will be obstructions, difficulties in all spheres of life. You will forced to go foreign travel but does fetch you money or comfort.

Your boss will not be happy with your work, unnecessary tensions in work is indicated.

Your friends will not be helpful to you. Don’t go for investments, there are chances of losing money.

Health problems are indicated, take care of your eyes , mouth & stomach.

You may experience sorrow through relatives and suffer humiliation. Litigation may likely to trouble you. Domestic quarrels, disputes in respect of fixed assets are on the cards. you have to be very careful.

You may get cheated/fraud/Betrayal by secret and hidden enemies. Hence be careful.

Uneasiness and some hurdles causes mental tension. Some of the natives in the field of job may likely to be moved.

Maintain cordial relations with everyone despite the fact that it is against your consciousness. Chronic patients need special medical attention.

Retaining money is a difficult for you. Expenditure overrides your income.

You will loose money on medical expense of you and your family members.
Take care of your mother's health. You cannot avoid disputes, misunderstandings with family members & friends.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Remedies for Jupiter

Remedies for Jupiter :-


1. Pray to Lord Shiva Everyday.

2. Pray to any guru like Saibaba, Shri Raghavendra Swamy, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swamy Vivekananda etc.

4. Do Pradosha Pooja Every month, Most Powerful remedy for Jupiter Transit.

5. Donate yellow grams & yellow cloth to a temple priest of Shiva Temple.

6. Donate Milk to Shiva Temple on Every Monday’s.

7. Visit Lord Shiva Temple on Monday’s and Saturday’s without fail.

8. Recite ‘OM BRHUM BRUHASPATIYE NAMAHA’  21 or 51 or 101 times. Or   any Guru mantra.

9. Wear Five Faced Rudraksha.

10. Wear a yellow sapphire Gemstone duly studded in a golden ring and wear the same on your Index finger, after verification of your birth chart by Good Vedic astrologer. Don’t wear gemstone by date of birth.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Numerology – 1 & 1

Numerology – 1 & 1

Numerology is the study of the occult meanings of numbers and their influence on human life,

each of the nine single-digit numbers has a personality & range of qualities and traits that makes it unique and recognizable.

Let us talk about people with Birth Number 1 & Fate or Destiny Number 1

Birth Number 1 = Person Born on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th

Fate or Destiny Number 1 = The Destiny number is the sum of your day, month, and year of birth,

Example 1 : Date of Birth = 01-07-1973, then Fate or Destiny Number is 1+7+1+9+7+3 = 28 =2 +8 =10 = 1+0 = 1

Example 2 : Date of Birth = 28-12-1932, then Fate or Destiny Number is 2+8+1+2+1+9+3+2 = 28 =2 +8 =10 = 1+0 = 1

As per numerology, When Birth Number & Fate or Destiny Number both are 1 ruled by sun. They become very famous and achieve Extra ordinary success in life

They are handsome and attractive, always get outstanding success,

Sun makes them bold. And fight for cause and win. They hate insincerity and fraud. They are trust worthy. They will have good friends.

a) Strong Character: Like Sun these people have very strong character and often it is difficult for anyone to make them change their minds. people are very strong from inside although that characteristic is seen to the world or not.

b) Good Management and Leadership skills: Number 1 people have very good leadership and management skills. As they have a strong character they lead throughout their life. Number 1 people make the best managers and leaders.

c) Practical: The best characteristic of them is that they are practical in life. Often number 1 people are true lovers as well. They have the most practical solution to everything.

e) Creative: Like Sun they are creative and often seen a lot of Number 1 people into arts and doing very well.

Lucky Days: Sunday and Friday

Lucky Colours: Yellow and White.

Unlucky Colours: Black, Brown.

Lucky Numbers: 1, 6

Lucky Days : 1, 10, 19, 28, 6, 15, 24

Profession/Occupation: Govt. Officials, Managing Director, Ministers, Scientists, Actors, doctors etc.

People with Birth Number 1 & Fate or Destiny Number 1 are Listed Below.

1. Dhirubhai ambani- Indian Industrialist

2. Akhilesh Yadav- Indian Politician

3. Nargis – Bollywood Actress

4. Manish Pandey- Indian Cricket Player

5. Lady Gaga - American singer and songwriter.

6. Larry King – American Television and Radio Host

7. James Watt -Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, Invented Steam Engine.

8. Martin Luther - German monk, Priest, Professor of Theology.

When Birth Number & Fate or Destiny Number both are 1, then they become very famous and achieve Extra ordinary success in life.


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Kalasarpa Yoga (KSY)- A Random Thought

Kalasarpa Yoga (KSY) is said to be formed if all the planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu.

The results are that countries and rulers are destroyed and people become afflicted. .
Strictly speaking KSY does not find a place in the classical astrological literature. How this yoga gained lot of popularity now-a-days.

The definition of KSY given above generally holds good. But what if all the planets are hemmed
in between Ketu and Rahu? According to some, this does not constitute KSY. But in my view
irrespective of whether the planets are between Rahu and Ketu or Ketu and Rahu the yoga technically exists. But in conferring results several variations are possible.

The general belief is that KSY is evil restraining all the other good yogas present in the horoscope and that those having the yoga will have set-backs and reverses in life. It is also feared that Kalasarpa Yoga is capable of nullifying the most powerful  Dhana yogas rendering a rich man poor.

In interpreting Kalasarpa Yoga, consideration should be given to the houses which are mainly involved, e.g., 1st and 7th, 2nd and 8th, 3rd and 9th, 4th and l0th, 5th and 11th. 6th and 12th, etc.
In each case the results could be different, depending upon a number of other horoscopic factors. Generally it  is found, other combinations warranting.

The 6th-12th axis (i.e., Kalasarpa Yoga) could indicate incarceration, or spiritual elevation, depending upon the presence or absence of powerful Bandhana Yogas.
 If the axis involves the 1st and 7th houses,  it is not good for marital happiness. The marital life may become oppressive and marred by frequent clashes and want of understanding.
If the 7th lord or Venus is strongly placed and well disposed then the evil results should  not be predicted. The marital troubles can be avoided. Knowing in advance, the implications of this yoga,  one can regulate one's thinking and behavior and develop an understanding. 

Likewise if the houses involved are the 4th and 10th, setbacks may mark one's career unless the 10th house or the 10th lord is strong and well placed.

KSY has its bright & different shades. It makes one industrious, hard-working, aware of one's own ability despite  mental restlessness. It raises the natives to top positions in their respective fields provided of course other Raja Yogas are present.

Rahu-Kethu axis favours rise in mundane life while Kethu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in spiritual matters.

 It is also found that KSY natives get betrayed by trusted friends and even relatives.
Suffering due to developments in life strengthens the mind and mellows one’ s outlook. This is a blessing of KSY.
Other important factors to be noted are :-
(1) In a KSY horoscope, the evil gets intensified if the Lagna is between Ketu and Rahu;
(2) the evil gets almost neutralised if the Lagna is between Rahu and Ketu  and
(3) the yoga can be considered as defunct even if a single planet is with Rahu or Ketu or outside the axis.

The original sloka refers to agree rahu, i. e., Rahu must be the main or prominent planet which means the Yoga can become effective if planets are in between Rahu and Kethu. Another factor to be considered is if the planet associated with Rahu or Kethu is strongly disposed in his exaltation or own house, the intensity of the KSY gets reduced. The common fear that if KalaSarpa Yoga is fully  present the effects of other  good planetary combinations get nullified is not without justification. The r e  a r e horoscopes with excellent yogas showing great advancement and prosperity but the natives continue to be mediocre. A brilliant career may suddenly end. Such cases may have KSY but it may not be the main cause for making one what he is. it may be one of the causes.

It occurs to me that undue importance need not be given to KSY. The view held by some astrologers that KSY affects longevity and adversely affects the operation of other yoga’s favoring rise in life, Achievement and accomplishment is not tenable.
The overall assessment of the horoscope is important. No single yoga, including KSY, is capable of marring or making a horoscope. In my view Kalasarpa Yoga plays an important role in mundane astrology and is not of much importance in individual charts.